
From Sad Ending to Happy Ending

“Telaga Pasir” Once upon a time, there lived a married couple of farmer named Ki and Nyai Pasir. They lived alone  because they did not have children. They lived happily even simple. One day, Ki Pasir sit unwind after digging in the fields. He leaned against a large of tree on the outskirts  of the rice fields. Suddenly his hand touched something round and slippery in his side. He saw an egg  turned unusual. The eggs were larger than a goose egg. “What kind of Eggs is this?” He said to himself. “Ah, may be Nyai wants. “ He brought egg home. Ki Pasir could not even remember to finish hoeing fields. He wanted to give it to  his wife’s egg. Arriving home, he called his wife, “Nyai. Look what I have. “ Nyai also amazed to see the strange egg. “Where you found it, Ki? What egg? “She asked. “It is……..,” replied Ki Sand, “Do not ask me, I also do not know what it is.” “Better get you cook it. I’m hungry. “ Nyai Pasir cooked the eggs and served it on the dinner table. He div...

Nature Photography Exhibition

     🏝You can see what's on the outside, but not with the secrets inside.

Banjir ing Jawa Timur Nyebabake Puluhan Ewonan KK Ngungsi

Badan Manajemen Bencana Nasional (BNPB) nyathet 12,495 rumah tangga (KK) kena pengaruh banjir sing dumadi ing 15 kabupaten ing Jawa Timur. "Data sementara nuduhake yen banjir wis mengaruhi luwih saka 12,495 rumah tangga lan sawetara wong wis mlayu menyang papan sing luwih aman," ujare Kepala Badan Nasional Data, Informasi lan Hubungan Badan Manajemen Bencana Nasional (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, dipetik saka Antara,  (7/3). Adhedhasar laporan BPBD Jawa Timur, dheweke terus, 15 kabupaten sing ngalami banjir yaiku Madiun, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Magetan, Sidoarjo, Kediri, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Probolinggo, Gresik,Pacitan, Tranggalek, Ponorogo, Lamongan dan Blitar. "Wilayah sing paling disebabake dening banjir yaiku Kabupaten Madiun amarga kebanjiran kali Jeroan, sing dadi tributary kali Madiun," ujare. Dheweke rinci, 39 desa lan wolung kecamatan ing kabupaten lokal dibanjir, nyebabake 4,317 kulawargane utawa 17,268 wong kena pengaruh banjir, loro omah rusak banget, ...

Introduction Letter
